Life Wager is a public education program created to raise awareness among teenage boys about gambling.
I’m Cameron Huff, a student, and athlete. I love sports.
I created Life Wager when I realized how much gambling is all around us: in casual conversations after a big game, at March Madness time, and in advertising during almost every pro game kids watch.
The name Life Wager helps us think about the life consequences of gambling and encourages young people to place their most important wager on themselves and their future.
How did this all begin?
I wanted to learn more about kids’ attitudes about gambling, so I created an anonymous survey and asked 100 boys ages 12-18 to complete it.
Here’s what I learned:
- More than 63% of respondents gamble
- Of those gamblers, more than 20% gamble daily
- 14% gamble weekly
- 93% of respondents said their friends gambled too
- 20% said nearly all of their friends gamble
- 36% said many of their friends gamble
Nearly 70% expressed some concern about gambling among their friends:
- 43% said they worried about the money
- 14% worried about stress
- 10% concerned about adverse effects on their friendships
So, now we’re talking. Let’s keep talking and make sure we know the facts.